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139. Við hleifi mik sældu né við hornigi; nýsta ek niðr, nam ek upp rúnar, æpandi nam, fell ek aftr þaðan. Om hängningen, de nio nätterna och den dyrköpta kunskapen i Hávamál 138-145: den kultiska kontexten Sundqvist, Olof University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Culture Studies, Religious Studies and Educational Sciences. 2015-09-10 · Verses 1-80 are known as Gestaþáttr, Havamal guidelines for living, or the ‘Havamal proper’. Verses 81-102 are about women, love and Odin. Verses 103-110 are about how Odin got the mead of poetry. Verses 111-138 are called Loddfáfnismál, a collection of gnomic verses similar to Gestaþáttr.

Havamal 138

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[ˈhɒːβaˌmɒːl], Modern Icelandic pron. [ˈhauvaˌmaul̥], ‘Words of Hávi [the High One]’) is presented as a single poem in the Codex Regius, a collection of Old Norse poems from the Viking age. As a result of this, Müllenhoff divided the poem into six sections of his own design, based on the manuscript GKS 2365 4to: 1. sts 1-79 'The Gnomic Poem' 2. sts ~95-102 'Óðinn's adventure with Billings maer' 3.

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I know that I hung . on the wind gnarled tree (Yggdrasill) nine whole nights, wounded by a spear .

Havamal 138

Nio Vindiga Nätter Ursprung

Havamal 138

from which roots it rises. Explanation of the last lines stanzas 138 & 139 read loud in Norse, with English subtitles. Link to video by Marie Cachet: Bellow's stanza 138 (Ljóðalok) is taken from the very end of the poem in the manuscript, placed before the Rúnatal by most editors following Müllenhoff.

nætr allar níu,. geiri undaðr. ok gefinn  Hávamál, vers 138, 139, 144 *. Jag vet, att jag hängde. på det vindiga trädet. nio hela nätter,.
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Havamal 138

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sts 103-110 'Óðinn's adventure with Gunnlöð' 4. sts 111-137 'Loddfáfnismál' 5. sts 138-145 'Rúnatal' 6. sts 146-163 'Ljóðatal' These sections are again of the scholar's own The Old Norse text of Hávamál, stanzas 138-145, with word-by-word explanation for students of Old Norse, and Viking-Age runes (Younger Futhark) for each stan 138.

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Delphi Pages - Litteratur

In Hávamál 138-140, when Odin hangs on the “wind-blown tree,” (vindga meiði); he does so as a sacrifice. Pierced with a spear (to drain his blood?), Odin “peers downward” and “takes up” the runes, probably from Mimir’s well.

PDF Om hängningen, de nio nätterna och den dyrköpta

139. Við hleifi mik sældu né við hornigi; nýsta ek niðr, nam ek upp rúnar, æpandi nam, fell ek aftr þaðan. 140. Fimbulljóð níu nam ek af inum frægja syni Bölþorns The paper proceeds from a much-debated passage in the Eddic poem Hávamál (138-145). The “ego” of the introductory stanzas — often assumed to be the god Odin — relates how he was hanging in a “windy tree” for nine nights without anything to eat or drink, whereupon he seems to enter into a state of luxuriance and primeval mediation. A stylized reading of stanzas 138-164 of Hávamál , the story of Odin hanging on the great tree and retrieving the runes.

Havamal page 2 138.