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Securitas Sverige AB

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Addresses to Swedish companies are updated weekly and contains all active companies. Marknadsinformation i Sverige AB holds the market-leading database with contact information including e-mail addresses and cell phone Over 11,000 Companies in Sweden covering Business Services, Chemicals, Minerals & Metallurgy, Construction & Real Estate, Automobiles & Motorcycles, and more. To purchase Officially Filed Company Profiles, Financials and Company Reports, use our Company Search portal to search for Companies registered in Sweden. Using the Kyckr company search portal you can search for any registered Dutch company to find information on all companies in Sweden. Sweden Company Information Reports. Company information in Sweden including credit reports with risk status and background information about the business. Our credit reports on Sweden based companies are designed to help you assess the level of risk.


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More information about Other business can be found here: If a firm has different businesses, each of these businesses is assigned to a specific Category. Using the above example, a bank that also has insurance intermediary business will be shown not only under the Category Banking Companies (Limited Liability Companies) but also under the Category Insurance Intermediaries.